In order to prevent solids from getting into the drain field to block soil pores, we should pump our septic tanks regularly. How often is it needed to clean a septic tank? Although frequent pumping is a useful technique, homes without garbage disposal systems are recommended by many local government authorities to pump their systems at least once in three years.
If you happen to own a nonresidential system, you have to come up with an ideal pumping frequency with the use of pumping records and prior accumulation. You can also study the periods between pumping to predict and schedule next pumps. Waiting too long might have made your tank full before the last pump or maybe you had to wait a little longer before the last pump. Such information can help with future scheduling for the pumping of your septic tank.
Health departments additionally have tables that outline ideal pumping frequency for septic tanks with regards to the size of the tank and the number of users. More information can always be provided by Cape Town’s health department.
It is believed by a surprising number of system owners that pumping of their tanks is not necessary unless they had system problems. This misconception often causes more harm than good. Solid materials pile up at the base of tanks to create a sludge layer during use. Also, scum made of oil and lightweight substances float on the surfaces of septic tanks.
Tanks with proper designs usually have sufficient space to accommodate between 3 to 5 years of accumulated sludge. Upon increase of the sludge level beyond this point, sewage lacks the time required for proper settling before it leaves the tank. Increase in the sludge level at this point causes increased escape of solid wastes into the soil absorption system (SAS). Saturation of the SAS to the point where it lacks the ability to absorb liquid at the rate at which it’s coming into the tank causes the bubbling of unsanitary waste water to the surface known as “backing up” of the plumbing system.
It’s normal to find many businesses in Cape Town specializing in the removal of time accumulating sludge and scum in areas predominant with people using septic tanks as their home waste systems. This service is vital especially in such areas because the excess accumulation of sludge over time can cause overflow which is harmful to everyone in the neighborhood.
Septic pumping on the commercial level normally involves the total removal of the sludge, affluent and the scum using pump trucks. This leaves the tank completely empty and ready for another batch of waste. Very few things can be done with the removed waste. Most waste companies practiced burying in dump sites which are now strictly prohibited by federal laws that restrict the dumping of sludge.
Always check to hire pumpers that have been licensed by Cape Town’s Health Board and follow-up on the collection of your paid receipt that clearly outlines the transaction details. These include number of gallons drawn out of the tank, date, cost, and other important arrangements. Keep this receipt safely for your records because a duplicate will be sent by the pumper to the local Health Board.